俄罗斯立法禁止家养熊狮子 网友:还有人养这个?(图)
Via 网络不仅遛个熊,民风彪悍的战斗民族还养各种各样的宠物。
Crocodiles, bears, lions, apes, cobras and scorpions, as well as other large predators and poisonous creatures, are now the subject of a ban from being kept as pets in Russia, to safeguard the health of both ‘owner’ and animal.
Such beasts pose dangers to people, while apartments or country houses differ greatly from the natural habitats of the animals, a difference that “may affect their health negatively, even causing death,” a new act, signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday, reads.
Via RT
Large predators such as bears, wolves, lions, tigers, lynxes and others are among the species to benefit from the new protections. The ban also includes crocodiles and carnivore turtles, Komodo Dragons, bearded lizards and other reptiles. Also set to get a new lease on life are snakes such as cobras and pythons, as well as many poisonous arachnids, including scorpions and tarantulas.
Via RT
Famous Russian animal expert and veteran TV host Nikolay Drozdov has fully backed the ban, saying that keeping poisonous snakes and large predators at home is “unacceptable” as, sooner or later, it ends in a tragedy.
俄罗斯著名动物专家、资深电视主播Nikolay Drozdov对这一法案大力支持,认为在家里养这么些个“毒物”和“猎食动物”迟早会酿成悲剧。
Via RT
Via englishrussia.com比如上世纪70年代,前苏联建筑师Berberov一家养着一群狮子。
Via englishrussia.com这个家庭的男主人叫Leo Berberov,是前苏联巴库市(现在的阿塞拜疆)的一个建筑师。有一天他从动物园里得到了一只被母狮子抛弃的幼狮,就把它带回家里养,起名叫“国王”。
The lion has been growing and was totally peaceful towards people. In less than one year it turned to a full grown animal with a huge hair mane.
Via englishrussia.com
“If he was too bored he just arrived to our bed, climbed on it, pushed out of the bed me or my husband and went to sleep till the next morning. Also kids were doing everything they wanted with him – rode him as a pony, were pulling his whiskers off etc – he never replied with anger”.
“But then they got another lion after that, and a cougar, which killed their [14-year-old] boy and scalped the female owner.”
Via RT
Earlier this year, a domesticated bear mauled a woman’s hand in the Far East.
The inability to provide proper conditions and nutrition for the beasts also led to complaints from animal rights activists, and to public outrage. Such negligence also saw animals escaping from their owners, creating a real threat to local populations.
Via RT
文:RT,Via englishrussia.com